Three thoughts:
1. It's amazing which side you root for, depending on what sort of documentary you're watching.
If it's one sort, you're rooting for the cute little Thompson's gazelles to escape the toothy maws of vicious predators.
And if it's another, you're desperately hoping that the inexperienced cheetah mother can catch thoses same wily gazelles, so that she can feed her seven hungry little fluff balls of kitteny cuteness.
You know, despite knowing that all seven could never successfully make it to adulthood.
But they're so damned cute.
2. Female green anacondas can shave as many as 100 days off of their pregnancy by basking in the sun.
If only that worked for everyone.
Sure, skin cancer would be at an all-time high, but maternity wardrobes would be cut in half.
3. And... I love love love Adrian, the
Quiznos coyote.
In case you aren't aware, Tuesday, a coyote walked into a downtown Loop Quiznos through the propped-open front door, wandered around inside for a minute, then took a 40 minute siesta inside the open drink cooler, before being captured and hauled away by animal control.
Then Wednesday, after a night in the pokey, and with a clean bill of health, Adrian was released back into the wild.
If you can really call a wooded area in Barrington, Illinois, near a horse barn and two tennis court 'the wild.'
In depth info here: