Thursday, April 26, 2007

some things I believe...

  1. Vera Bradley bags are hideously ugly.

    They look like those particular sort of carryalls in which old biddy spinsters cart their knitting around.

  2. Evan Farmer is hot.

  3. So is Colin Ferguson.

  4. Sunbelle raspberries from Chile taste a lot better than Driscoll's from Mexico.

  5. These are the fucking coolest flip-flops ever made. (They have the grommets on the inside like the shoes do, and they even have the ALL*STAR tag on the back heel. Righteous!)

  6. My Black & Decker digital convection toaster oven is the shiz-nit.

    I love baking now that doing it it doesn't heat the entire apartment up to like 100-degrees Fahrenheit.

  7. Anjou pears are infinitely superior to bartlett pears when making brie and pear toast. Bosc will also do in a pinch.

  8. My job?

    Same ol' pettiness, whining and bitchiness, different salon.

    And yet, I still like it.

  9. I got called Miss Martha today because I think the customer service person on the telephone couldn't pronounce my mom's not-particularly-difficult-to-pronounce Czech last name.

    I guess if you ax folx quessions fo' a livin', z pernounced as zh migh juss be a l'il tuff.

  10. It's worth visiting two different nail places to get a super fantastic pedicure and an equally awesome set of nails done, if you can't get both at the same place.

1 comment:

pixiemartin said...

Some woman sat her Vera Bradley bag on my chair today, while she was getting a haircut from one of my stylists. I shuddered and made a face when I saw it, and the stylist gave me a funny look.