Saturday, February 13, 2010

a few thoughts...

Holy fuck! The last two episodes of "Dollhouse" alternately blew my mind, and broke my heart. I snuffled through the last 30 minutes of story. That was epic anime-quality story, and I mean that as a serious compliment. Okay, the last 2 minutes were a little weak, but they accomplished what they needed to accomplish. Good job, Joss.

I got the skinny envelope from Sine Qua Non. Apparently, despite perpetually advertising and hiring for their numerous salons, they found a candidate more in line with what they were looking for, and they wish me the best.

I might like you better if you play Mobsters or Overdrive on Facebook, btw. JOIN MY MOB/CREW already.

I am rewriting my resume to better reflect my personality, which is strangely difficult to accomplish. I think my other resume was too stuffy and wordy, so I changed the layout, tweaked the hell out of the info, and made sure to include my ability to MacGuyver almost anything back into working order.

My kitchen is still disturbingly clean.

I want to know where the hell the two discs I put into the mail are at, because Netflix doesn't seem to have them, and I don't have new things to watch.

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