...insert foot
Happy 14th Birthday to my little sister, Short Round, who is actually now taller than me, and only round in a curvy, hourglass sort of way.
(And Happy 40th to Amanda Tapping -- I celebrated it last year, so why not mention it this year?)
(And Happy 40th to Amanda Tapping -- I celebrated it last year, so why not mention it this year?)
And she said, "Masterminds... Masterminds... Oh, the movie with Patrick Stewart! You know, I've never seen it."
To which I replied, attempting wit and failing miserably, "Yeah, but Picard's got nothing on MacGyver or O'Neil..."
And she raised an eyebrow and said, "Rick is Rick. But, Patrick is one of my favorite people that I've worked with... he's really great."
I mumbled something about having heard that about him, and then her attention was diverted by the handler telling her it was time to go to the next table.
I'm glad I didn't admit that I'm pretty sure I actually paid money to see Masterminds when it was in theaters.
Don S. Davis (General Hammond)
Teryl Rothery (Dr. Janet Frasier)
Tony Amendola (Master Bra'tac)
Christopher Judge (Teal'c)
Michael Shanks (Dr. Daniel Jackson)
Thanx, it's been a good one. Anna took me to the people she works for's lake house, and they have a jacuzzi, a full sized trampoline that floats on the water, and a paddle boat, so I had a lot of fun. Muah <3 Shortround?
When you were much, much younger, and almost as annoying as you are now, except not in a moody teen rebel sort of way, I used to call you Short Round (like the character in Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom).
You used to blurt out the most random stuff sometimes, that it made me think of him one day because of something that you said but I can't remember to this very day.
Plus, you were shorter than me, as well as a couch potato.
I never knew it had anything to do with Indiana Jones
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