Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Sunday, I stopped at Hancock Fabric on the way to Kit's house, in order to purchase some yarn.  

Being that it was President's Day Weekend, there was a limited selection of colors and styles available, what with that being the weekend best used for the purchase of crafting goods, as well as the purchasing of fine home furnishings at deep, deep discounts.
After shopping, gearing up with helmet and gloves, and stowing my purchase beneath the seat of my scooter, an old man to the left of me in the parking lot asked, "Is that a commie pinko scooter?"
To which I replied, "No, it's a regular pinko scooter. You know, the fabulous kind."
He nodded thoughtfully, told me he liked my purple hair, then walked away from me across the parking lot to do his shopping at Walgreens.

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