Saturday, February 18, 2012

WePay Etsy and Regretsy.

Because of Paypal's continued idiocy, a lot of FJLs* are moving from Paypal and Etsy to WePay. Not only can you accept and send monies on the site, but they also have rudimentary storefronts that will hopefully get better in the near future.

I am being an oppportunist and am keeping both stores, but will most likely go completely WePay when the interface is easier to use, and easier to shop.The sidebar to the right has links to my Etsy and WePay shops.

If you are interested in opening a WePay account, allow me to refer you... http://www/

I belong to a site called Regretsy, and it is a hilarious community of snarky people who are also generous, kind, and awesome. One of the ongoing jokes is that everyone that uses Regretsy regularly is a *Fat Jealous Loser, thus the term FJL. This is just a quick primer to get you up to speed, in the neighborhood of speed, or at least in the same area code:

  • April Winchell is the founder of Regretsy. She goes by the name "Helen Killer" on there, and her beau, John uses the moniker "Bronc Drywall."  
  • The original intent of Regretsy was to showcase the best and the worst of Etsy, and then either praise or mock it. A book came out of it called, as you would imagine, "Regretsy."
  • "Whimsicle Fuckery" is a term often used by FJLs. It is kind of good and bad and funny all at once. Something that possesses whimsicle fuckery is generally well-received by the people of Regretsy, and sometimes things that miss the mark aren't filled with enough whimsicle fuckery.
  • CF4L. "Club Fuckery 4 Lyfe." The FJL oath, and also a more mature part of Regretsy. The password is cf4l.
  • "Perkele!" means "Devil!" in Finnish, but is used wherever you would exclaim, " Shit!"
  • FJLs love Finns. They drink and swear and party and are stabby, but loyal.
  • April has written a book called "Regretsy's Big Book of Fabricated Finnish Folktales," which is hilarious, and entirely illustrated by people from Etsy who are also FJLs.  
  • The coolest Finn is Petra-Herre, a pal of April's from when she went to Finland, and has inspired Petja-Palooza, happening in NYC this year. 
  • Petja-Herre is a dapper gentleman that is Finnish. He often says amusing things, tells hilarious stories, and teaches FJLs new words and phrases. Most of them are dirty.
  • "douchecanoe" is a negative term 
  • "twatwaffle" is a negative term
  • "amazeballs" is ecstatically high praise
  • "If you stick/glue some gears and watch parts on it, it's Steampunk." is a well-known fact.
  • Many things are not Steampunk. Lots of things on Etsy are listed as Steampunk, but aren't really. Most are either stupid as hell, or misnamed vintage crap or Victoriana.
  • Octopi and Owls are something uber Etsy, and super overcrafted. Octopi are often mistaken for Steampunk things, but lack the requisite gears and watch parts.
  • As a rule, Regretsy and FJLs have a basic contempt for Etsy (the actual company) and the employees that work there. Etsy headquarters is often referred to as "Cupcakeville." Etsy loves owls, almost pathologically.
  • "Crease and desist" is from a letter by someone who didn't like being featured on Regretsy. Ironically, if your item is filled with the right kind of fuckery, you will most likely sell it to an FJL that day.
  • "I made this in my artistic ability." is a phrase from an Etsy listing that has become a running joke.
  • Resellers are people who try to pawn off goods they bought from a mass supplier like Alibaba, as their own.
  • Chinese Resellers are people selling factory goods being sold as handmade by an individual. Like mass-market wedding dresses. They are generally Chinese.

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