Thursday, June 30, 2005

i'm back in vogue!

...i'm inspirational


I got a very sweet email today from someone telling me that I'd motivated him to start a blog of his own.


More pixiefanboys!

And the very first entry includes an entire section all about how much I rock.

Also, today I was trying to determine if I'd written about Nik or Cookie yet, so I did a websearch for "pixiemartin" and "hair" and found this link to one of my posts. Those Brits are just damned wacky.

Man, I've still got so many stories left to tell that I can't remember what I have or haven't said yet.

Plus, you know, I've made the Georgia font trendy again.

And now, to bed.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

a job less stressful. with coworker's names
In the last month, I have hired two new stylists.

One is a lady that has an MBA, is computer-savvy, and has worked in the real world long enough to have retired from a professional job. She has always been interested in doing hair, so her husband sent her to beauty school. And she wandered into my salon because she loves the store, loves doing hair, and thought that a combination of the two would be more than ideal.

Rico is a flamboyant Puerto Rican gayboy from Miami. His work is flawless, he speaks Spanish, and he's very polite and hardworking.

Mostly, they're making my job easier.

Especially because we're losing a staff member at the end of July. She decided to move back down South.

As an aside, I would just like to say that despite the fact that I am often a little stressed about work things, I am so glad that this isn't my life anymore.

Now I do things like enter my co-workers' names into the
Wu-tang Clan Name Generator and giggle:

Me= New Fast Automatic F-REEK*
Stylist1 = Tha 23rd Buchan
Stylist2 = Well-Liked Assman
Stylist3 = Radiophonic Oddity
Stylist4 = Ol` Mucky Terrahawk

Stylist5 = Ungrateful Ninja (or Promiscuous Protestah -- if you use her married name)
Stylist6 = Pre-Raphaelite Shaolin
Stylist7 = Dubious Masturbatah-X
Admin =
Homicidal Terrahawk

GM = Auxillary Priest
ASM = Cheeky Delinquent
MM =
Inscrutable Drama Queen
DM = Sheepish Lord of Chaos
LP = Spunky Misunderstood Genius

Bwahaha. My boss is Sheepish Lord of Chaos. That's definitely up there with Overlord Carol's name -- which was Overlord something the last time I did it, but now comes up as "
Lazy-Assed Destroyer." Which is much more fitting.

*If I do pixiemartin, it's Gratuitous F-REEK. Which is interesting because Lxxxx and Martin are definitely not what I would consider to be the same enough to both score F-REEK.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

taking a stand for oneself.

... and grabbing them by the whatzits
In addition to getting being taken off of the 602-973-9535 call list by directly contacting Turn-Key Solutions, I contacted the Chicago Tribune to let them know about my displeasure with their telemarketer of choice:

From: pixiemartin
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 6:47 PM
To: Consumer Services, CTC
Subject: telemarketing

Does your company employ Turn-Key Solutions in Phoenix, AZ, to telemarket your services to potential customers?
I ask, because I would swear that the man I spoke to on the phone offered me a subscription to your paper, and then wouldn't take no for an answer until I hung up.
I also ask because twice now since I told them I wasn't interested, I've had them call me and not leave a message. You know, in addition to the 9 other times they've called me in the last 3 months, 6 of those in the last week alone.
If you do employ their services, you might want to reconsider, because they're rude, harassing, and have numerous complaints against them for violating the Do Not Call list.

They responded with:
"Dear pixiemartin,
"Thank you for contacting the Chicago Tribune on the Internet.
"The Chicago Tribune’s intention is to provide our customers with the best quality of customer service. Your satisfaction is our first priority, and we apologize for any inconvenience we have caused you. Please reply to this e-mail with the phone number this individual used you contact you and we can have this removed.
"If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us.
"Thank you and have a great day!
"Hope Carter
Interactive Services Representative
Chicago Tribune
1-800-TRIBUNE ex 6349"
and I replied with:

The number I have been called from 14 times in the last three months is 602-973-9535. My phone number is 773-xxx-xxxx..
I called one of their corporate numbers listed in the phone directory, and was told that I would be removed from their database within 24 hours.
I mostly brought this to your attention, because this particular number representing Turn-Key has been bandied about on the internet as being a nuisance. You might want to visit this site to see just what a few people have said about this company's business practices.

Don't mess with the damned pixie, or she goes above your head and complains to someone about you.

Tweak, at work, was contacted recently by Marshall Field's collections department about a delinquent bill from November, for almost $300. Now, he worked for Field's from 1996 - 1999, and was required to use their credit card to receive his discount, but then cancelled his account with them when he left their employ in '99. (Much like I did with Younkers and Carsons.)

Apparently, someone boo-boo'd somewhere, and a charge was made using his old credit card number, which reactivated and reopened the account. The charge was made from Lansing, Michigan on 11/24/04. The largest problem with this is that Tweak was at work in Chicago, Illinois, the entire day, and can prove it. And also, that someone keying in the wrong account number shouldn't be able to use a cancelled account number. It should have registered as not being a usable number, and the person should have been asked for another form of tender, and/or the associate making the sale should have been directed to contact Credit Account Services immediately.

So, Tweak called them a couple of times, was passed around from person to person the entire time, and was ultimately told that he was responsible for the charges. Obviously, he's disputing that, which is exactly what he should do, and he wrote a letter to the Credit Billing Disputes department of Field's, explaining his problem. He also filed a police report and did all the stuff that their Credit Card Fraud department had instructed him to do.

And some time has passed without anything being done on Field's end of things.

Now he's totally freaking out because this event is currently negatively reflecting upon his financial credibility. Having an extremely-past-due balance with missed payments on a credit report isn't so attractive when you're trying to refinance your condo.

I read the letter he wrote, and I told him he should word it more strongly. Instead of saying that it was inconveniencing him, he should say that if this is how they treat their customers, past and present, he couldn't in good faith continue to shop at any of their stores, and would recommend the same to everyone he knows. And that if this wasn't resolved promptly in a manner that pleased him, he would be contacting the Better Business Bureau, the Attorney General's office, and whichever State Representative would be most interested in one of their constituents being unjustly penalized by a corporate error.

Grab them by the whatzits and get their full attention. I told him to put the smack down on Field's. Give them the whammy. Shake 'em up. Make 'em whimper at his heels. Show them who's boss.

But, he decided to leave it as he wrote it, so he'll just have to see what happens. He just wants the problem resolved and for them to acknowledge their mistake and apologize -- an apology which he might be waiting a very long time to hear.

I think they'd snap to attention faster if he was more menacing, but he's really just a big girl at heart, and doesn't have the stomach for that sort of thing*.
*Strangely, I don't have the stomach for most anything, but I am more than able to threaten, cajole, and menace companies that piss me off. Maybe it's because I'm a smaller girl.

Monday, June 27, 2005

my mom kicks your mom's ass.

...i love my mom*


My mom is so cool.

Today, she emailed me the following:
"Subject: 602 NUMBER


Seriously, how cool is that?

I mean, would your mom investigate some telemarketing firm that's stalking you from afar?

Let's see:
Turn-Key Solutions
(602) 347-7366
(602) 242-8249
6019 N 43rd Ave
Pheonix, AZ 85019
I wonder how they'd feel if I called them up everyday, didn't leave a message, and then hung up on them if they actually answered?


Of course, I love my mom everyday.

She's my best friend #1.

It's just that sometimes I extra love her, because she super rocks some days more than the normal amount of rocking she does on other, more normal days.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

howl's flying castle

...even his voice is dreamy


Back in the day, my friend Tasha was a movie reviewer for the Daily Iowan, and her love of the cinema has not waned an iota since those days. In fact, now she works in the AV Club of The Onion, and gets to watch better movies, and even interviews people like Denis Leary.

Earlier this month, she wrote about Howl's Moving Castle, which is a movie based on a book she loved as a child. Now, I love Japanese animation, and I love young adult fantasy novels, and pretty much anything media-based that Tasha's recommended in the past has always entertained me.

Plus, the English voice cast of the movie has Christian Bale playing the voice of Howl. As has been previously established, I adore Christian Bale in pretty much all forms - juvenile, chubby, scruffy, maniacal, militant, ecumenical, dragon-slaying, whatever.

So, I went to see the movie today, and it was totally awesome. The only remotely sucky thing about it was the fact that because it is technically a children's movie, or at least is billed as being such, there were noisy children in the theater, asking a lot of stupid questions throughout the course of the movie.

The first time the moving castle walked into view on the screen, the kid to the right of me, who had to be at least ten, asked his mother, "What's that walking building?"

Oh, I don't know... maybe it's THE MOVING CASTLE that the film title references. You know, the movie HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE.

I didn't say a word. I just clutched the arm of my seat a little tighter, and then took a long swallow of my $3.95 bottle of water from the concession stand.

I wasn't too terribly pleased with the child's relative proximity to my person in the first place*, and I knew it would go to a bad place if I opened my mouth.

So I didn't.

I just ignored the woman's running explanation of the entire plot of the movie to her idiot child, and focused on the loveliness of the film. I wish it had been a little longer, though. I'm sure there are things that the book explained more thoroughly, and I bet they would have been as glorious to see on the big screen as the rest of it was.

Despite the presence of noisy children, I enjoyed this movie so much that I am so totally buying it when it comes out on DVD, and I'll totally go see it again if anyone wants to go see it with me. I'd even see it on IMAX, if it were playing there.

In fact, I enjoyed it so much that it made me want to sprint across the street to Borders and buy a copy. Which I kind of did, after the film ended. However, according to Border's Title Sleuth, it is out of print and takes several days to arrive at the store.

I did take the opportunity to read the back of several other books by the author, and have decided that I would like to read pretty much all of them in the near future.

And in fact, when I got home from the movie, I ordered Howl's Moving Castle, The Castle in the Air, and the The Chronicles of Chrestomanci Vols. 1 & 2 from Amazon. Now I just need to get
Mixed Magics : Four Tales of Chrestomanci and Conrad's Fate (Chrestomanci Books)**.

In summation, I recommend seeing this movie.
I mean, there were easily 2/3rd of the seats in the theater available, and yet this yappy woman and her yappy stupid child had to park their asses immediately next to me. I don't really like strangers sitting next to me in a full theater, so the whole sitting next to me when there is more than enough space for EVERYONE in the theater to comfortably have a vacant seat in between each and every one of them sort of rubs me the wrong way.

Strangers in close proximity during
Batman Begins sneak preview, I accept. This invasion of space though? This rankles me.

**Hmm. I do have a birthday in like 13 days...

Saturday, June 25, 2005

askpixie - traduzca, por favor.



Boletín de prensa de Quest Race

Día Mundial del`Medio`Ambiente
México DF, 5 de Junio de 2005
La Ciudad Más Grande del Mundo, con uno de sus días mas bellos y calurosos, fueron magnífico escenario para que un poderoso ejército de paz, cabalgara en sus corceles de hierro.

Ahora escalando con cuerdas el segundo piso del periférico, luego viajando en el Metro con todo y bicicleta, después conquistando La Torre Mayor hasta el piso 51 por las escaleras o haciendo ciclismo de montaña en la escalinata del Auditorio Nacional. No son atletas, ni deportistas comunes, son otra cosa, podríamos compararlos con disciplinados soldados con los que se pudiera formar el ejército más poderoso del mundo, si es que no fueran enemigos de las armas y la violencia.

Unas son bellas mujeres, otros son niños, viejos o jóvenes. Sin distinción… aquí la apariencia, la posición económica o social no importan, nadie se fija. Encontramos hombres y mujeres muy altos los otros no tanto, aquellos son musculosos estos leones rasurados, por aquí vemos alguno flaco otro gordo, moreno o güero, descubrimos equipos formados por padre e hijo y una mamá con su hija, también los hay con dotes naturales, mientras otros con dotes adquiridas por el sacrificio y el esfuerzo, sin embargo el común denominador es el entusiasmo y una indomable voluntad para terminar las duras pruebas y llegar a la meta en Chapultepec, en donde sudorosos y cansados nadie se queja, todo el mundo se divierte; su deporte no es la simple carrera, ni la pura bicicleta, ni el triatlón, su deporte ahora… es de aventura, son la nueva generación, son:

Elite de conquistadores de Quest Race.

Alrededor de 150 equipos de dos personas y diez distintas categorías, desde la categorí de los elites que hicieron un espectacular ascenso, con cuerda y jumar, al segundo piso del periférico, hasta la de principiantes, pasando por intermedios y avanzados, se unieron a la celebración del día mundial del medio ambiente, la Secretaria del Medio Ambiente de DF, Claudia Sheinbaum acompañada por altas autoridades del Gobierno, dio el banderazo de salida a las 8:30 en punto, en los puentes de San Antonio, la meta en la segunda sección de Chapultepec. La seguridad brindada por el Gobierno del DF fue impecable, asistidos por la policía del DF y por más de 200 personas entre los que se encontraba el staff profesional de Quest Race formado por connotados deportistas de aventura.

Por si lo anterior fuera poco, los atletas de aventura fueron recibidos en la meta por un festival cultural-musical organizado por la autoridad del DF.

Los ocho estupendos Iconos de la Gran Ciudad:

1. El segundo piso del periférico
2. La Ciclo Vía
3. El Metro
4. El Paseo de la Reforma
5. El Ángel de la Independencia
6. El Auditorio Nacional
7. La Torre Mayor
8. Chapultepec

Magníficamente escenarios escogidos por Fernando Trejo, Director de Quest Race en donde se efectuaron las duras pruebas de aventura. Ver resultados oficiales en

Quest Race

Okay, so babelfish is translating that as the following (with my reinterpretation in parentheses):

"Quest Race Press Bulletin

"World-wide Day of the Medio.ambiente Mexico DF, 5 of June of 2005 the Biggest City of the World, with one of their beautiful and warm days but, was magnificent scene so that a powerful army of peace, rode in his corceles of iron.

(On June 5, 2005, International Environmental Day, the Federal District of Mexico -- the Biggest City of the World, was the magnificent scene of a powerful army of peace, riding steeds of iron.)

"Now scaling with cords the second floor of the peripheral one, soon traveling in the Meter yet and bicycle, later conquering the Greater Tower until floor 51 by the stairs or making cycling of mountain in the perron of the National Audience. They are not athletes, nor sport common, are another thing, we could compare them with disciplined soldiers with whom the powerful army the more of the world could be formed, if it is that they were not enemy of the arms and the violence.

(Scaling the second floor of the peripheral one - auxiliary? - by rope, then traveling on the Metro by bicycle, and later conquering La Torre Mayor's 51 floors by climbing stairs, or mountain biking the flight of steps of the Auditorio Nacional, these men and women are not atheletes or regular sports fans, but something else. We could call them disciplined soldiers with whom the most powerful army in the world could be formed, if they weren't firmly against weapons and violence.)

"They are beautiful women, others are young, old or young. Without distinction... here the appearance, the economic or social position does not matter, nobody pays attention. We found men and very high women, the others not as much, those that are muscular, shaved lions, this way we see some skinny another fat person, colored person or güero, we discovered equipment formed by father and son and a mother with her daughter, also is with natural dowries, while others with dowries acquired by the sacrifice and the effort, nevertheless the common denominator is the enthusiasm and an indomitable will to finish the hard tests and to arrive at the goal in Chapultepec, in where sudorosos and tired nobody complaint, everybody is amused; its sport is the simple race, neither the pure bicycle, nor triatlón, its sport now... is of adventure, is the new generation, is:

(They are beautiful women, others with children, the old and the young. Here there is no importance placed on appearance, economic status, or social position, because these things don't matter and they are ignored. We found very tall men and women, and others who are less so; muscular shaved lions; the skinny and the fat; colored people or güero*. We discover teams of father and son, and a mother and her daughter. Some people with natural ability, while others with abilities acquired through hard work and sacrifice; and all of them sharing the enthusiasm and indomitable will to finish the difficult challenges and arrive at their goal in Chapultepec, where sweaty and tired, but without complaint, everyone is happy. The sport is simple -- no longer purely bicycling or triathalon. It's challenge and adventure, and appeals to the new generation of:)

"Elite of conquerors of Quest Race. Around 150 equipment of two people and ten different categories, from the category of elites that made a spectacular ascent, with cord and jumar, to the second floor of the peripheral one, to the one of nascent, happening through intervals and advanced, they were united to the celebration of the world-wide day of the medio.ambiente, the Secretary of the Medio.ambiente of the DF, Claudia Sheinbaum accompanied by high authorities of the Government, o'clock gave banderazo from exit to 8:30, in the bridges of San Antonio, the goal in the second section of Chapultepec. The security offered by the Government of the DF was impeccable, attended by the police of the DF and more than 200 people between whom was the professional staff of Quest Race formed by connotados sport of adventure.

(The elite competitors of the Quest Race. Around 150 teams of two people in ten different categories, from the veteran players that spectacularly ascend the peripheral one with rope and jumar**, to the amateur beginner, passing through intermediate and advanced, all celebrating International Environmental Day. At 8:30, from the bridges of San Antonio, the Environmental Secretary of the DF, Claudia Sheinbaum, along with high members of Goverment, waved the starting flag to begin the the second half of the event, the race to the finish line at Chapultepec. The DF's Governmental security was impeccable, attended by the DF police, and more than 200 people, between whom was the professional staff of Quest Race, formed to promote adventure sporting.)

"In case the previous thing outside little, the adventure athletes were received in the goal by a festival cultural-musical comedy organized by the authority of the DF.

(And in case that wasn't enough, the adventure athletes were treated at the finish to a cultural-musical comedy festival, organized under the authority of the DF.)

"The eight wonderful Icons of the Great City:

1. The second floor of the periphery***
2. the Ciclo Via
3. The Metro
4. El Paseo de al Reforma,
5. El Ángel de la Independencia
6. The National Auditorium
7. La Torre Mayor
8. Chapultepec

"Magnificently scenes chosen by Fernando Trejo, Director of Quest Race in where the hard tests of adventure took place.

(The magnificent places where the difficult challenges occured, chosen by Fernando Trejo, Director of Quest Race.)

"To see official results in

(To see the official results, please visit... you know.)

Quest Race"

Well, golly gee. I'm sure flattered that you'd think I'd care about some sort of adventure challenge happening in the Mexico that terminates in Chapultepec.

Because I don't.

But, I did apparently care enough to try and figure out what the fuck the message said, because babelfish sure didn't help me very much.

Sometimes I have too much free time.

-- pixie


*No idea what that means.

**A type of climbing device.

***Peripheral does have a definition that means "auxiliary." I was wondering if maybe there was an auxiliary building that they were actually referring to, because "the peripheral" sounds weird as a destination.

do you have a question for askpixie? mail: askpixie(at)pixiemartin(dot)com

(if you want to know about some form of thermal relaxing, click here.)

If pixie can't help, you're screwed.™

(disclaimer: as you can imagine, askpixie is not a licensed therapist, nor is she a doctor of anything. she has, however, had enough problems in her life, and enough damn therapy, that she can pretty much handle most of what you could probably throw at her. and whatever she can't directly answer herself, she will do her best to find an answer for you elsewhere. unless otherwise noted, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein, therein, and whereverin you're looking, are © pixiemartin, 2005. you gotta problem with that, punk?)

Friday, June 24, 2005

private reserve and public annoyance

... luxuriant and well-read enough already


One of the particularly nice benefits of working for a corporately-own salon is gratis. For you see, when a large company has a large account with a product vendor, the vendors tend to be very generous in wooing the client, namely us.

At Younkers (Saks Inc), whenever a company would launch a new product line, or relaunch a newly restyled old product line, we'd get a selection of stylist samples. We try the products, we like the products, we sell the products. You know. When Matrix Sleek.look came out, I got all 5 items in the line at the time, all in a cute puffy orange plastic tote. When Paul Mitchell introduced Super Skinny, I got the shampoo and conditioner. When Redken relaunched their Extreme line, I got shampoo, conditioner, a deep treatment, and a leave-in. Actually, I got two of these sets.

At My Current Place of Employment, Alterna has just started wooing us. They sent us 12-packs of full-sized stylist samples, including Hemp Seed Texture Glaze, Hemp Seed Sculpting Putty, and Hemp Seed Repair Weekly Treatment.

And then they sent us White Truffle Luxury Shampoo and White Truffle Luxury Conditioner. They retail at our location, respectively, for $30 and $36.

Now honestly, I have no need for $66 shampoo and conditioner. I've still got so much fucking stuff left over from Saks Inc. gratis, that I'm still set for a couple of years. And since I was given the products to take home and use however I see hit, I decided to sell them on eBay.

People are ponying up $40 or so for the sets on eBay, not realizing that it can be had for around $70 elsewhere, and I'm more than happy to sell mine.

So, after a week, and starting at $9.99 for a bid, the auction ended, and now I'm awaiting $38 payment on paypal, so I can ship the set out.

I still at the heart of things think the people buying this crap are suckers, but it's their money. It's just too bad they don't realize that you can buy it online in various other, and possibly more legitimate, places, like And if there's an Ulta nearby, they have it for cheap too. They don't sell it on their website, but they do in their stores. I know because I've seeeen it with my own eyes.


After a telemarketing firm in the Phoenix area called me 4 times this week, and I actually repeatedly told them that I wasn't interested in receiving the Chicago Tribune, they AGAIN called me today. I swear I am going to knock some skulls together. I don't care if it is an exceptionally good deal, and that reading the paper at home is a swell thing to do -- I can read it at work for free if I so desire, which I generally don't. I don't care about the special rate they're offering. I'm more interested in them leaving me alone.

To me, the most curious part of this whole thing though, is that the telemarketing firm's number lists on my caller id as an actual number, and not as some vague "Unknown," "Restricted," or "Outside Caller" listing.Granted, you can't actually dial it to any effect, but at least it is recognizable. I mean, you can dial it, but you'll just get an earful of busy signal.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

destiny's child irritates me.

...independent hypocrite pt. 2


I don't like Destiny's Child. Never have, never will.

No particular reason, either. I just don't care for their music.

There is, however, one thing that has particularly irritated me for a while -- the lyrics to the songs, "Independent Women" & "Independent Woman Pt. II."

"Independent Women"

Lucy Liu... with my girl, Drew... Cameron D. and Destiny
Charlie's Angels, Come on
Uh uh uh

Question: Tell me what you think about me
I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings
Only ring your cell-y when I'm feelin lonely
When it's all over please get up and leave

Question: Tell me how you feel about this
Try to control me boy you get dismissed
Pay my own fun, oh and I pay my own bills
Always 50/50 in relationships

[Chorus 1]
The shoes on my feet
I've bought it
The clothes I'm wearing
I've bought it
The rock I'm rockin'
'Cause I depend on me
If I wanted the watch you're wearin'
I'll buy it
The house I live in
I've bought it
The car I'm driving
I've bought it
I depend on me
(I depend on me)

[Chorus 2]
All the women who are independent
Throw your hands up at me
All the honeys who makin' money
Throw your hands up at me
All the mommas who profit dollas
Throw your hands up at me
All the ladies who truly feel me
Throw your hands up at me

Girl I didn't know you could get down like that
Charlie, how your Angels get down like that
Girl I didn't know you could get down like that
Charlie, how your Angels get down like that

Tell me how you feel about this
Who would I want if I would wanna live
I worked hard and sacrificed to get what I get
Ladies, it ain't easy bein' independent
Question: How'd you like this knowledge that I brought
Braggin' on that cash that he gave you is to front
If you're gonna brag make sure it's your money you flaunt
Depend on noone else to give you what you want

[Chorus 1]

[Chorus 2]

Girl I didn't know you could get down like that
Charlie, how your Angels get down like that
Girl I didn't know you could get down like that
Charlie, how your Angels get down like that

Destiny's Child
You in the house?
Sure 'nuff
We'll break these people off Angel style

Child of Destiny
Independent beauty
Noone else can scare me
Charlie's Angels

[Chorus 2]

Girl I didn't know you could get down like that
Charlie, how your Angels get down like that
[repeat until fade]


"Independent Women pt. 2"

What you think about a girl like me?
Buy my own car and spend my own money
Only ring your celly when I'm feeling lonely
When it's all over please get up and leave

Please don't call me baby
Cause I'll call you
Don't mean to hurt you feelings, got a lot to do
Cause I'm am my number one priority
No falling in love, no commitment from me

[Chorus 1]
All my independent women
Throw them hands up at me
And all my sexy women
Throw them hands up at me
All my money making women
Throw them hands up at me
All my baller women
Throw them hands up at me

[Chorus 2]
If you feel it
Throw them hands up
Where them hands at?
If you feel it?
Where the ladies?
Where my homegirls?
Where my females?
Where all my women?

How you feel about a girl like this?
Try to control me, boy you'll get dismissed
Do what I want, live how I wanna live
Buy my own diamonds, and pay my own bills

Please don't call me baby
Cause I'll call you
Don't mean to hurt you feelings, got a lot to do
Cause I'm am my number one priority
No falling in love, no commitment from me

[Chorus 1]

[Chorus 2]

How did you feel about this groove I wrote?
Hope you got the message ladies take control
Don't depend on no man to give you what you want

Keep that in mind next time you hear this song

If you're independent
I congratulate you
If you ain't in love
I congratulate you
Do them boys like they used to do you
If you pimp him
I congratulate you

[Chorus 1]

[Chorus 2]

[Chorus 2]

If I hurt your feelings boy
I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you yeah
I thought you knew yeah
I got no time to fall in love with you yeah

[Chorus 1]

[Chorus 1]

Now, you're probably thinking to yourself, "What is so bad about being empowered, and wanting to empower other women?"

Well, nothing. Except for these lyrics to one of their very first songs, "Bills, Bills, Bills."

"Bills, Bills, Bills"

At first we started out real cool
Taking me places I ain't never been
But now, you're getting comfortable
Ain't doing those things you did no more
You're slowly making me pay for things
Your money should be handling

And now you ask to use my car (car)
Drive it all day and don't fill up the tank
And you have the audacity
To even come and step to me
Ask to hold some money from me
Until you get your check next week

You triflin', good for nothing type of brother
Silly me, why haven't I found another?
A baller, when times get hard
I need someone to help me out
Instead of a scrub like you
Who don't know what a man's about

Can you pay my bills?
Can you pay my telephone bills?
Do you pay my automo' bills?
If you did then maybe we could chill
I don't think you do
So, you and me are through

Can you pay my bills?
Can you pay my telephone bills?
Do you pay my automo' bills?
If you did then maybe we could chill
I don't think you do
So, you and me are through

Now you've been maxing out my card (card)
Gave me bad credit, buyin' me gifts with my own ends
Haven't paid the first bill
But instead you're headin' to the mall
Goin' on shopping sprees perpetrating
Telling your friends that you be ballin'
And then you use my cell phone (phone)
Callin' whoever that you think's at home
And then when the bill comes
All of a sudden you be acting dumb
Don't know where none of these calls come from
When your momma's number's here more than once

You triflin', good for nothing type of brother
Silly me, why haven't I found another?
A baller, when times get hard
I need someone to help me out
Instead of a scrub like you
Who don't know what a man's about

[Repeat Chorus]


You triflin', good for nothing type of brother
Oh silly me, why haven't I found another
You triflin', good for nothing type of brother
Oh silly me, why haven't I found another
You triflin', good for nothing type of brother
Oh silly me, why haven't I found another
You triflin', good for nothing type of brother
Oh silly me, why haven't I found another

[Repeat Chorus 4 times]

Okay, so let me get this straight.

When you're starting out in the industry and have no money of your own, you expect some man to pay for everything. And if he stops paying for everything, you dump him for some other chump that will pony up the cash to support your lifestyle.

But now, you've got some serious money in the bank, and you don't need a man to pay for anything. If you want something, you'll get it because you can buy it all yourself.

Of course, this ability to be a rich bitch makes you an equal partner in any relationship, and if a man isn't down with that, you don't need him.

In fact, the only man you really need is a booty-call without any attachment -- someone you can ride like a pony and then send home. You don't need love or committment, because you only look out for yourself.

Oh, and now if a woman happens to have a chump that will pony up the cash to support her lifestyle, she's 'fronting.' Which is apparently bad.

Not only are you rich, but you are judgemental, and only respect other rich bitches.

Maybe this "fronter" is just new to the industry, and doesn't have any money of her own to pay for anything. Maybe she's just following the philosophy that you've handed down in the past -- take advantage as long as you can, and if your needs aren't being met, move on to greener pastures.

Fucking hypocrites.

You know, I actually feel better now about not liking Destiny's Child.

I wasn't feeling bad in any way about not liking them, but now I extra don't feel bad about not liking them. I might almost go as far as to say I almost hate them.

I think I'd have to actually know them to really hate them.

I will admit, though, that I felt a certain pleasure when Kelly Rowland got herself perished in Jason vs. Freddy.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

telephonic love from phoenix.

...i thought it was over

Okay, starting in late April, I started receiving pairs of calls from a number in Phoenix, AZ.

Well, not necessarily from Phoenix, but definitely from the 602 area code, which contains: Anthem, Arizona State Lottery (duh, the state lottery), Carefree, CTC (a freight forwarding service), Desert Hills, Dial Corp (the soap people), Greyhound Dial Corp (a long-distance moving company), Laveen, & Phoenix.

I get one call at some variable time on one weekday, and then I receive another call either the next day, or the next business day, also at some variable time.

They never leave voicemail, and if I actually manage to answer the phone before they hang up, no one is there on the other end of the line.

The first six calls came within a 16 day period, and when I didn't get another one, I figured they had stopped. But no, 39 days later, they started again.

  • Tuesday, 04/26/05 @ 04:50p, & Wednesday, 04/27/05 @ 09:24a.
  • Friday, 05/06/05 @ 11:57a, & Monday, 05/09/05 @ 06:13p.
  • Wednesday, 05/11/05 @ 05:57p, @ Thursday, 05/12/05 @ 03:23p
  • Monday, 06/20/05 @ 04:46p, & Tuesday, 06/21/05 @ 07:42p

After the sixth call, the one I actually answered, I finally decided to call the number on my caller id, 602.973.9535, and see what was going on.

Of course, it was just a busy signal.

I know it's a telemarketing company of some sort, but why wouldn't they either leave a message, or actually just talk to me when I answered the phone?

If I called someone 8 times, and managed to never get ahold of them (to my knowledge), I might be inclined to, oh, I don't know, say... leave a fucking message?

Amusingly, I'm not the only one curious as to whom the number belongs.

So, I went and finally registered for the Do Not Call list, and even signed up the number for the salon.

I get tired of having to explain to telephone solicitors that the salon is part of a corporation, and that all decisions regarding whatever they are hawking is made at the corporate level, and that I have nothing to do with it.

And then sometimes they ask for the number to Corporate, which I won't give them. As far as I'm concerned, if they want to land a corporate account that large, let them do a little legwork of their own.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

glad tidings.

...feeling midsummery






(Okay, wrong kind of train.)

But, I am still happy that Summer finally started.

(Even the people on the side of the train are dancing in joy.)

Inclement weather, begone!

P.S. Only 18 more shopping days left before the big 33.

the waiting game

...i hate bureaucracy


Okay, I have this one credit card that I have been judiciously using and paying off, without accruing any interest until July 1st 2005, whereupon the interest rate goes to 9.99%.

It has a pretty small balance, but I still can't afford to pay it all off before the end of this month.

Recently I got an offer in the mail from Sears (Citibank) Mastercard, to transfer balances from other credit cards, without fees or penalties, and pay 3.99% for the life of the transfer repayment.

Now, I don't know about you, but I would rather pay 3.99% than 9.99%. So, I decided to call the provided telephone number, and get the ball rolling before July 1st.

As you may or may not recall, I had an issue with some bastard trying to use my Mastercard to shop at This resulted in that account being closed, and also with me getting a new card with a new account number.

For some reason, I never bothered to activate the card. So, in order to do this balance transfer transaction, I had to activate the card, which I did. I told the lady on the other end of the phone all of the hoo-hah and clap-trap that you have to share with them to get anything done, which I believe involved the 3-digit security number on the back of the card.

A few minutes later, I called the 800-number to do the transfer, and got connected to a guy that made me tell him all of the information I had just shared with the lady, which took several minutes to accomplish. I had to answer security questions, know all the relevant numerical stuff related to being me, and then finally give the man the account number and 3-digit security number on the back of the card.

"Uh, oh. We have a problem."


"The security number that you gave us isn't the one that we have listed for your account."

That is the number on the card that you people sent to me. That is the number on the card that I just validated, using that 3-digit security number.

"But it isn't the three-digit number we have on file for your account."

Look, this is the only card that you guys have sent me in the last year. I can't help it that you have a different number than I do.

"Unfortunately, Miss Lxxxx, we can't proceed with any action on your account until you have the proper 3-digit number."

So, you acknowledge that I am who I say I am, and yet you're telling me that because you guys screwed up somewhere, I can't transfer the balance from a credit card with the same exact name, same exact social security number, and same exact billing address as the information you have on file for me, to the card I have with your company.

"I'm sorry, but we can't do anything unless you can tell us the 3-digit security number on your account. However, we can reissue you the card, and you should receive it within the next 7 to 10 business days."

Which could potentially be after July 1st, when Sear's offer expires, and I also have to start paying interest on the account whose balance I wish to transfer.

"That shouldn't happen, but let me transfer you to someone that can get your card out to you asap. Can I help you with anything else, before I transfer you?"

Nope. I think that about does it all for me.

"Have a nice day, and don't hesitate to call us back if you need any further assistance."

Yeah, I'll get right on that.

Grr. So, I talk to some woman and explain the situation, she tut-tuts, and then says she'll send a new card out immediately. And that I should also have a nice day.

And for now, I play the waiting game.


Monday, June 20, 2005

mmm, toasty. the news


Yesterday, one block away from The Place Wherein I Am Employed, the local Dominick's grocery store burned to the ground.

Apparently there were huge clouds of black smoke billowing over the roof of our building, creating an unnatural, noxious fog in the parking lot outside.

I am glad that I don't work Sundays, because I have low tolerance for inhalation of smoke, which was apparently all-pervasive for a several block radius.

I drove past the site on my way home tonight, but all I could see through the looky loos was a burnt out shell and some rubble.

It's not like I really shopped there or anything, but I liked the thought of being able to run over and get something at lunchtime. Now I totally have nowhere in the neighborhood to buy those little gelatin parfait cups.

I hear they plan to rebuild.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

food update

...i smell bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon

In case you were worrying about my hunger, I did the following:

  1. Ate lemon knot from yesterday.
  2. Chopped up frozen packet of bacon, and then cooked it all.
  3. Chopped up grape tomatoes, and added seasoning.
  4. Got romaine lettuce hearts from fridge and selected 4 fine leaves for the purpose of sandwichery, returning said remaining lettuce to crisper.
  5. Got mayo from fridge.
  6. Toasted 2 slices of wheat bread.
  7. Toasted 2 more slices of wheat bread.
  8. Made a BLT.
  9. Ate a BLT.
  10. Made another BLT.
  11. Put away all of the BLT fixings.
  12. Ate the second BLT.
  13. Got the mayo, lettuce, bread, tomatoes and bacon out of the fridge.
  14. Toasted 1 slice of bread.
  15. Cut toast in half and made another 1/2 BLT.
  16. Put fixings away.
  17. Got Lime Coke from fridge and Breyer's Natural Vanilla Ice Cream from freezer.
  18. Made Coke float.
  19. Put Coke and Breyer's away.
  20. Drank Float.
  21. Felt very very full. A dooce level of fullness.

And yes, I'm embracing the Georgia font.

on my mind right now my head


Things I'm thinking about right now:

  • I'm think I'm getting tired of Arial.
  • Maybe I like Georgia*. or Courier. Wait, didn't I already have Courier at some point? I know I had Lucida.
  • irritates me, and Citibank can bite my ass.
  • If Cricket does not stop banging her water dish around in the bathtub, I'm going to start banging it around on her.
  • I'm still not as funny as I used to be back in the day..
  • My lips are all peely.
  • *yawn*
  • I'm hungry. Maybe I'll make BLTs.
  • I wish I had pitas.
  • Ooh, a mango sounds good.
  • Where's my water?
  • Mr. Winkle sure is cute.
  • Ooh, I sitll have that lemon knot from yesterday.

*Matty is a self-professed copy cat. Bwahaha. Look ma, I'm trendy again!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

askpixie - unsolicited beauty advice



(I know that I said that I wasn't going to answer anymore TR queries on here, and that wasn't a lie. However, if other people want to give tidbits of advice to my readership, I'm more than happy to facilitate the knowledge transference. And since I still know diddly about eyelash extension stuff beyond what I've been told, here's the rest of the info I've been sent. -- pixie)

Hi Pixie,
If anyone ever asks you about japanese hair straightening in Vancouver (BC, Canada) using the Liscio system, I'd recommend a place I just had it done at: AOi Beauty salon (they have a website.. I think it is I've had my hair TR'd three times now at three different salons and this is by far the best one -- the most skilled technicians and the best chemical system (Liscio versus the other two I've had: Yuko and bio ionic) and not too expensive: $235 Cdn. I'll be going back there for my touch-ups and would highly recommend it to anyone.Just thought I'd let you know in case any more hair advice requests come your way.


Saw your website. Just thought that you'd want to know that there are
places in NYC (Manhattan) that offer TR (specifically Liscio, which is
supposed to be the best of the three) for under $400. Believe me, I've
done major research on this.

Giovanni Sacchi is an Upper East Side Salon
They range between $275 and $325 (depending on hair length.) That price
does not include tax or tip. I've had it done there 2 times myself and
have had absolutely no problems.
A place I have not been to, but one that seems to be highly recommended
at several message boards I've see is Hayato New York They seen to be rock bottom at $150-170 (depending
on whether Hayato himself or one of the other stylists does it. Also,
doesn't include tax and tip.) However, I heard there is a waiting list.
Still, at those prices...

BTW, I think that anyone who has TR done and has any major hair problems
as a result has been ripped off (or lied to the stylist about having
bleach or highlights in their hair). I've known a few people who had it
done (including myself, of course) and their hair is great!!! Sometimes
a little teeny bit dry, but nothing that a protein treatment can't fix.


thank you so much for all of your advice!
my friend recently got her hair straightened at this salon in manhattan called hidy hair ( im probably getting mine done their too, since her hair came out near perfect. they use a straightening technique called japanese magic straight. it uses the liscio brand. i was wondering if you knew anything about this salon and the products they use and how good both are so, just in case, i dont make a big mistake
and ruin my hair. thank you! <3>
P.S. i love your website!


I noticed your site and just wanted to extend some information: - lash extensions last up to 60 days. I provide training and kits.

Meme Rhee

Regarding Eyelash Extensions:

I would like to add one more bit of information. Many people complain
about the price of extensions and seek out the bargin. Make sure they
are using real asian glue and the strand by strand method or you aren't
getting the real deal. My glue is about $90 per bottle and lashes cost
about $35 to $80 per container. So be carefull, there are those who
offer eyelash extensions but they aren't using these unique supplies.
You pay less but you get only a couple weeks of wear and perhaps some
damaged eyelashes as well.

I sell the kits, instruct licensed beauty professionals and offer
eyelash extensions to my clients here in Nevada. This method is a strand
by strand bonding method. Each lash has its own extension. Now we don't
use the so called individual lashed with 3 or more lashes attached to a
tiny bulb. It is truely one hair at a time. As the client sheds their
own natural lashes they shed their extension. The glue is nothing like
anything you can buy at the store or any beauty supply. My glue bonds
for about 3 months. You naturally shed your natural lash before this
glue looses its bond. Your eyelashes do not become damaged from the
glue. Breakage is almost always due to the client pulling. Rubbing or
using harsh cleansers. This method is very simple to learn but it takes
a skilled hand with a good eye for detail. 1 to 2 hours it how long this
process takes. Never can you get this glue in the eyes and you just can
not make a mistake. A mistake can not be undone.

It you have any quesstions. Need trainning or kits let me know.

Theresa Garcia

Eyelash Extension Information:

I have seen a lot of questions about eyelash extensions on here, go to and buy a kit that includes a DVD for applying lashes or inquire if they have a professional near you or if you want to be a professional. The glue is great and lasts for over a month!

Larra G.

do you have a question for askpixie? mail: askpixie(at)pixiemartin(dot)com

(if you want to know about some form of thermal relaxing, click here.)

If pixie can't help, you're screwed.™

(disclaimer: as you can imagine, askpixie is not a licensed therapist, nor is she a doctor of anything. she has, however, had enough problems in her life, and enough damn therapy, that she can pretty much handle most of what you could probably throw at her. and whatever she can't directly answer herself, she will do her best to find an answer for you elsewhere. unless otherwise noted, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein, therein, and whereverin you're looking, are © pixiemartin, 2005. you gotta problem with that, punk?)

Friday, June 17, 2005

later batman musing.

...i just had a thought


The only thing that could have made Batman Begins any more enjoyable to me would have been sitting up in the stadium seating area instead of on the floor level, getting to enjoy it for the first time with both Tif and Wil, and a preponderance of hot buttered popcorn, Hot Tamales, and a cherry cola Icee.

Or, maybe if there was just some obligatory scene* in the movie where, for some crucial plot reason, Bruce Wayne and Dr. Jonathan Crane** would both have had to strip down to their skivvies and wrassle until they were both good and sweaty. And maybe even panting a little.

I like being comfortable, I love my friends, and I very much enjoy tasty yet bad-for-me comestibles.

However, I just might trade that all for some visual fluffing, once in a while. I can only work with what I have upstairs for so long before even my imagination goes a little stale.

Oh, and I forgot to mention in my movie review just why the city of Gotham should hate this particular version of Batman. Much like Spiderman, this Batman is hated for being a vigilantee, working outside the established law. However, if I were the governing body of Gotham City, I'd hate the hell out of Batman for his large-scale decimation of the city.

Sure, there'll be a little collateral damage here and there in the continuing fight against crime, but I'm pretty sure that the Wayne Foundation would swiftly go bankrupt if it put its funding into undoing all the damage that Batman has created while fighting the good fight. You know, a little non-profit urban renewal and civic gentrification. I supposed it'd be a terrific write off come tax time, but you'd think it'd get a little suspicious after a while.

"You know, every time that horrible vigilante man bat knocks down a building or blows up a bridge, Bruce Wayne stops acting the part of the foppish boor, and has his charitable foundation undo the damage. Hmmm. Batman breaks, Wayne fixes. Naw, there's no way. But still, you never do see them together..."

*It could even be an outtake. You know, a deleted scene in the Batman Begins Special Collector Edition DVD Box Set, complete with collectible authentic replica BatarangTM and special BatsignalTM Maglite® keychain***. The outtake would definitely convince me to buy it, regardless of my already buying it because I'm a Dark Knight fangirl.

**Christian Bale and Cillian Murphy. Mmmmmm.

I've seen Cillian full-on nekkid, and I've seen Christian running around in sneakers and a chain saw. Oh, the glorious first five minutes of 28 Days Later, and we mustn't forget the cinematic contributions of American Psycho****.

Bless you, Danny Boyle. Bless you, Mary Harron.

***Although, I have to admit that I would totally groove on a BatarangTM or BatsignalTM Maglite® keychain. That'd be pretty fucking cool to have hanging on a wall and dangling from a keyring.

****You know, to my rich inner fantasy life.