Saturday, June 04, 2005

askpixie - googling education for others



Hi, I am trying to find a beauty school that I can attend...I am moving to Mammoth Lakes and wanted to know if you knew the closest school I can attend while living there..Thank you!


I don't live anywhere near California, so I don't really know anything about the schools out there, much less where to find them.

If you consult, which I found through googling "california beauty schools," you have a far better chance of finding what you are looking for there.

Good luck.

-- pixie

do you have a question for askpixie? mail:

(if you want to know about some form of thermal relaxing, click here.)

If pixie can't help, you're screwed.™

(disclaimer: as you can imagine, askpixie is not a licensed therapist, nor is she a doctor of anything. she has, however, had enough problems in her life, and enough damn therapy, that she can pretty much handle most of what you could probably throw at her. and whatever she can't directly answer herself, she will do her best to find an answer for you elsewhere. unless otherwise noted, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein, therein, and whereverin you're looking, are © pixiemartin, 2005. you gotta problem with that, punk?)

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