Saturday, June 11, 2005

askpixie - vacation email



Please hold all e-mail til July 5th, as I will be on vacation. I will contact you when I'm back and ready for your wonderful e-mails.


Dear Marian,

I hope that you have a wonderful vacation. Make sure to take lots of photos!

I look forward to hearing from you, and I can't wait to hear all of your crazy vacation stories!

Just make sure to hold all
your emails until after July 10, becaus
e when you're coming back from vacation, I will just be starting mine! What a coincidence!

Now, wait. Who are you again?

I mean, is this some sort of subversive spam that I don't understand, meant to drive me crazy?

Or is this just mis-directed email?

Ah, nevermind. Just bring me back a t-shirt or something.

-- pixie

do you have a question for askpixie? mail: askpixie(at)pixiemartin(dot)com

(if you want to know about some form of thermal relaxing, click here.)

If pixie can't help, you're screwed.™

(disclaimer: as you can imagine, askpixie is not a licensed therapist, nor is she a doctor of anything. she has, however, had enough problems in her life, and enough damn therapy, that she can pretty much handle most of what you could probably throw at her. and whatever she can't directly answer herself, she will do her best to find an answer for you elsewhere. unless otherwise noted, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein, therein, and whereverin you're looking, are © pixiemartin, 2005. you gotta problem with that, punk?)

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