Saturday, June 25, 2005

askpixie - traduzca, por favor.



Boletín de prensa de Quest Race

Día Mundial del`Medio`Ambiente
México DF, 5 de Junio de 2005
La Ciudad Más Grande del Mundo, con uno de sus días mas bellos y calurosos, fueron magnífico escenario para que un poderoso ejército de paz, cabalgara en sus corceles de hierro.

Ahora escalando con cuerdas el segundo piso del periférico, luego viajando en el Metro con todo y bicicleta, después conquistando La Torre Mayor hasta el piso 51 por las escaleras o haciendo ciclismo de montaña en la escalinata del Auditorio Nacional. No son atletas, ni deportistas comunes, son otra cosa, podríamos compararlos con disciplinados soldados con los que se pudiera formar el ejército más poderoso del mundo, si es que no fueran enemigos de las armas y la violencia.

Unas son bellas mujeres, otros son niños, viejos o jóvenes. Sin distinción… aquí la apariencia, la posición económica o social no importan, nadie se fija. Encontramos hombres y mujeres muy altos los otros no tanto, aquellos son musculosos estos leones rasurados, por aquí vemos alguno flaco otro gordo, moreno o güero, descubrimos equipos formados por padre e hijo y una mamá con su hija, también los hay con dotes naturales, mientras otros con dotes adquiridas por el sacrificio y el esfuerzo, sin embargo el común denominador es el entusiasmo y una indomable voluntad para terminar las duras pruebas y llegar a la meta en Chapultepec, en donde sudorosos y cansados nadie se queja, todo el mundo se divierte; su deporte no es la simple carrera, ni la pura bicicleta, ni el triatlón, su deporte ahora… es de aventura, son la nueva generación, son:

Elite de conquistadores de Quest Race.

Alrededor de 150 equipos de dos personas y diez distintas categorías, desde la categorí de los elites que hicieron un espectacular ascenso, con cuerda y jumar, al segundo piso del periférico, hasta la de principiantes, pasando por intermedios y avanzados, se unieron a la celebración del día mundial del medio ambiente, la Secretaria del Medio Ambiente de DF, Claudia Sheinbaum acompañada por altas autoridades del Gobierno, dio el banderazo de salida a las 8:30 en punto, en los puentes de San Antonio, la meta en la segunda sección de Chapultepec. La seguridad brindada por el Gobierno del DF fue impecable, asistidos por la policía del DF y por más de 200 personas entre los que se encontraba el staff profesional de Quest Race formado por connotados deportistas de aventura.

Por si lo anterior fuera poco, los atletas de aventura fueron recibidos en la meta por un festival cultural-musical organizado por la autoridad del DF.

Los ocho estupendos Iconos de la Gran Ciudad:

1. El segundo piso del periférico
2. La Ciclo Vía
3. El Metro
4. El Paseo de la Reforma
5. El Ángel de la Independencia
6. El Auditorio Nacional
7. La Torre Mayor
8. Chapultepec

Magníficamente escenarios escogidos por Fernando Trejo, Director de Quest Race en donde se efectuaron las duras pruebas de aventura. Ver resultados oficiales en

Quest Race

Okay, so babelfish is translating that as the following (with my reinterpretation in parentheses):

"Quest Race Press Bulletin

"World-wide Day of the Medio.ambiente Mexico DF, 5 of June of 2005 the Biggest City of the World, with one of their beautiful and warm days but, was magnificent scene so that a powerful army of peace, rode in his corceles of iron.

(On June 5, 2005, International Environmental Day, the Federal District of Mexico -- the Biggest City of the World, was the magnificent scene of a powerful army of peace, riding steeds of iron.)

"Now scaling with cords the second floor of the peripheral one, soon traveling in the Meter yet and bicycle, later conquering the Greater Tower until floor 51 by the stairs or making cycling of mountain in the perron of the National Audience. They are not athletes, nor sport common, are another thing, we could compare them with disciplined soldiers with whom the powerful army the more of the world could be formed, if it is that they were not enemy of the arms and the violence.

(Scaling the second floor of the peripheral one - auxiliary? - by rope, then traveling on the Metro by bicycle, and later conquering La Torre Mayor's 51 floors by climbing stairs, or mountain biking the flight of steps of the Auditorio Nacional, these men and women are not atheletes or regular sports fans, but something else. We could call them disciplined soldiers with whom the most powerful army in the world could be formed, if they weren't firmly against weapons and violence.)

"They are beautiful women, others are young, old or young. Without distinction... here the appearance, the economic or social position does not matter, nobody pays attention. We found men and very high women, the others not as much, those that are muscular, shaved lions, this way we see some skinny another fat person, colored person or güero, we discovered equipment formed by father and son and a mother with her daughter, also is with natural dowries, while others with dowries acquired by the sacrifice and the effort, nevertheless the common denominator is the enthusiasm and an indomitable will to finish the hard tests and to arrive at the goal in Chapultepec, in where sudorosos and tired nobody complaint, everybody is amused; its sport is the simple race, neither the pure bicycle, nor triatlón, its sport now... is of adventure, is the new generation, is:

(They are beautiful women, others with children, the old and the young. Here there is no importance placed on appearance, economic status, or social position, because these things don't matter and they are ignored. We found very tall men and women, and others who are less so; muscular shaved lions; the skinny and the fat; colored people or güero*. We discover teams of father and son, and a mother and her daughter. Some people with natural ability, while others with abilities acquired through hard work and sacrifice; and all of them sharing the enthusiasm and indomitable will to finish the difficult challenges and arrive at their goal in Chapultepec, where sweaty and tired, but without complaint, everyone is happy. The sport is simple -- no longer purely bicycling or triathalon. It's challenge and adventure, and appeals to the new generation of:)

"Elite of conquerors of Quest Race. Around 150 equipment of two people and ten different categories, from the category of elites that made a spectacular ascent, with cord and jumar, to the second floor of the peripheral one, to the one of nascent, happening through intervals and advanced, they were united to the celebration of the world-wide day of the medio.ambiente, the Secretary of the Medio.ambiente of the DF, Claudia Sheinbaum accompanied by high authorities of the Government, o'clock gave banderazo from exit to 8:30, in the bridges of San Antonio, the goal in the second section of Chapultepec. The security offered by the Government of the DF was impeccable, attended by the police of the DF and more than 200 people between whom was the professional staff of Quest Race formed by connotados sport of adventure.

(The elite competitors of the Quest Race. Around 150 teams of two people in ten different categories, from the veteran players that spectacularly ascend the peripheral one with rope and jumar**, to the amateur beginner, passing through intermediate and advanced, all celebrating International Environmental Day. At 8:30, from the bridges of San Antonio, the Environmental Secretary of the DF, Claudia Sheinbaum, along with high members of Goverment, waved the starting flag to begin the the second half of the event, the race to the finish line at Chapultepec. The DF's Governmental security was impeccable, attended by the DF police, and more than 200 people, between whom was the professional staff of Quest Race, formed to promote adventure sporting.)

"In case the previous thing outside little, the adventure athletes were received in the goal by a festival cultural-musical comedy organized by the authority of the DF.

(And in case that wasn't enough, the adventure athletes were treated at the finish to a cultural-musical comedy festival, organized under the authority of the DF.)

"The eight wonderful Icons of the Great City:

1. The second floor of the periphery***
2. the Ciclo Via
3. The Metro
4. El Paseo de al Reforma,
5. El Ángel de la Independencia
6. The National Auditorium
7. La Torre Mayor
8. Chapultepec

"Magnificently scenes chosen by Fernando Trejo, Director of Quest Race in where the hard tests of adventure took place.

(The magnificent places where the difficult challenges occured, chosen by Fernando Trejo, Director of Quest Race.)

"To see official results in

(To see the official results, please visit... you know.)

Quest Race"

Well, golly gee. I'm sure flattered that you'd think I'd care about some sort of adventure challenge happening in the Mexico that terminates in Chapultepec.

Because I don't.

But, I did apparently care enough to try and figure out what the fuck the message said, because babelfish sure didn't help me very much.

Sometimes I have too much free time.

-- pixie


*No idea what that means.

**A type of climbing device.

***Peripheral does have a definition that means "auxiliary." I was wondering if maybe there was an auxiliary building that they were actually referring to, because "the peripheral" sounds weird as a destination.

do you have a question for askpixie? mail: askpixie(at)pixiemartin(dot)com

(if you want to know about some form of thermal relaxing, click here.)

If pixie can't help, you're screwed.™

(disclaimer: as you can imagine, askpixie is not a licensed therapist, nor is she a doctor of anything. she has, however, had enough problems in her life, and enough damn therapy, that she can pretty much handle most of what you could probably throw at her. and whatever she can't directly answer herself, she will do her best to find an answer for you elsewhere. unless otherwise noted, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein, therein, and whereverin you're looking, are © pixiemartin, 2005. you gotta problem with that, punk?)

1 comment:

@llen said...

Periferico is the ring road around Mexico City. Back then, they had just completed the 2nd level of it.

"Guero" has many meanings. It literally means "blonde", but is also used to refer to young people. In this case, I believe it's used to contrast the dark-skinned natives to the fair-skinned and blonde Mexicans of European descent.