Tuesday, June 07, 2005


...blogger isn't so bad after all


The primary plus I've noted with blogger, thus far, is that it's easier than hell to use.

However, as I've said before, my .html-fu is lacking, so tailoring my blog to suit my wants and needs is going to take a little time.

Oh hell, it'll probably take a lot of time. And probably a lot of studying of other people's blog source code.

And in the very near future, i'll have completely moved over to blogging, instead of updating my old-school site.

Change is scary, but I gotta move with the times. I can whip a post out here in like 1/4 the time I can there, and you don't have to experience the sizeable gaps between entries, forcing you to use the archives to navigate.

They all just link up together in order, and make some room when you have something new to add.

So, yay for progress, I guess.

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