Sunday, July 10, 2005

askpixie - sunday special




Why pay more when you can enjoy the best and cheapest pills online?
Nearly 80 types to choose which makes ours pharmacy the largest and the best available.

No Appointments.
No Waiting Rooms.
No Prior Prescription Required.

See why our customers re-order more than any competitor!

This is one-time mai|ing. No rem0val are required.

Maybe you haven't heard yet, but I already order my drugs online, from my prescription insurance company's website.

I'm fairly certain that they have a lot more than 80 types of drugs available, and while it does require a prescription, those aren't really that difficult to acquire either.

Personally, I would like to see your proof of the claim that you have more re-orders than the competitors.

And with as many ridiculous sites as there are out there, exactly like yours, I'm imagining that they probably say all make a very similar claim.

But now that I think about it, you never said they re-ordered from you. You just said your customers re-order. I guess that's vague enough that you don't have to prove anything.

My bad.

- pixie

do you have a question for askpixie? mail: askpixie(at)pixiemartin(dot)com

(if you want to know about some form of thermal relaxing, click here. )
(if you want to know what I know about eyelash extensions, click

If pixie can't help, you're screwed.™

(disclaimer: as you can imagine, askpixie is not a licensed therapist, nor is she a doctor of anything. she has, however, had enough problems in her life, and enough damn therapy, that she can pretty much handle most of what you could probably throw at her. and whatever she can't directly answer herself, she will do her best to find an answer for you elsewhere. unless otherwise noted, all thoughts and opinions expressed herein, therein, and whereverin you're looking, are © pixiemartin, 2005. you gotta problem with that, punk?)

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