Sunday, July 24, 2005

mysteries explained.

...well, no wonder
Yesterday, I called my family to tell my mom the results of something else I had discussed with her last week, and no one answered the phone, nor did anyone call me back today in regard to the message I left telling them to call me back.

And this totally explains that:
"Hi Kristen,
We are in Watertown, SD. Should be in Canada tonight.
How was your vacation? How are Willybean and Tifling?
Love ya,

"P.S. Everyone else says hello, too."
I forgot that my family takes vacations to places that I've never been, now that I don't live with them, nor have the ability to skip down during holiday seasons, or in excess of 2 weeks at a time.

Like how they've gone to Florida on more than one occasion, and to Disney World and to other neat places I've never visited whilst visiting the state.

Or the time they went to the Czech Republic to visit Stinkerbell whilst she was studying abroad.

I've never even left the States (as an aware person -- being 2 and visiting Mexico doesn't count, because you don't need a passport, and you don't remember jack from back then), much less been south of Florence, KY.

I've just been to Colorado a zillion times, for weeks on end. And it's not that it isn't a cool place, it's just the same place, over and over. Plus, the Ouray pool chlorinates their hot springs, so that sucks the joy out of them, and the only other hot springs in the area is clothing optional. Ew.

I've certainly never tooled around Canada for a couple of weeks in a Corolla with my family.

But, on second thought, that much time in an economy-sized sedan with my sister and parents might not be such a fiesta of entertainment.

And I am visiting the Twin Cities in a couple of weeks, to celebrate the nuptials of a former roommate, Spristy.

She's the one I visited in Seattle, the one that says wise and wonderful things, the one that breakfasts with me at Randycon, and the one that made another stingy roommate turn on the a/c when she asked me if I had any bunny stickers. (I think I've told that story, but I'll tell it again if I haven't.)

And the one with whom I would have visited Vancouver, BC, when I visited her in Seattle, if we'd only had more time.

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