Friday, July 29, 2005

karma comeuppance

...a little too little, a little too late

I have certain regrets in my life.

Chief among them right now is that I didn't read through every document in a certain person's file when I started working where I do, because it would have given me much better insight on how to deal with said person.

Because had I read through the file, I would have found the documentation that this person had been previously given a formal reprimand for 1) doing the exact same thing with which she got me in trouble with Corporate, and 2) something that she constantly complained about other people doing. Or not doing. Something we'll call Y.

So I would have been prepared when, a few weeks after I started working there, I received the 2-page nastygram from this person all about how she was the only one doing Y, and that certain coworkers weren't doing Y like they were supposed to, and why was she the one having to do all the Y, when she was the busiest person working there and shouldn't have to do all the Y by herself?

Not knowing what was going on, I told her that I'd look into the Y situation, and that I was sorry she was having issues.

Amazingly, now that she's left our Place of Business, Y is like 50 times better. We have so much less Y to deal with, that we're almost bored with not having so much Y to occupy our free time like we used to have when she was around.

So it wasn't so much that other people weren't doing Y. It was just that she generated so much anti-Y all by herself that other people could only deal with so much of it before leaving a bunch of Y for her to take care of on her own. Or that they were so busy dealing with the anti-Y, that they didn't have time to deal with the general everyday Y that happens in an environment like ours.

God forbid that someone would actually have to deal with some of their own Y every once in a while.

If I had previously read the reprimand in her file, I would have simply replied* to her query, "Karma."

And left it at that.

Instead, I am forced to gloat, after the fact.

"Hello, Pot? This is the Kettle calling, and we have some color that we need talk about."
*Although I'm sure that I would have been thinking something more along the lines of
, "Karma, you hypocrite. Karma can be almost as much of a bitch as you are most of the time. Now, stop acting like a total twat, and go get your whiny ass back to work."

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