Sunday, July 03, 2005

dooce gets righteous props

...exploding poop and all

Dude, how fucking cool is this? According to,

50 Coolest Websites 2005: Blogs

For most Netizens, Web logs—reading them, writing them, or both—have become a way of life. So this year, they get their own category





"Hilarious personal blog by one Heather B. Armstrong of Salt Lake City, Utah, a whip-smart, sassy (and sometimes vulgar) stay-at-home mom. Even the exploding poop stories are good. Also: DotMoms links to dozens of blogs written by parents about parenting. Not all of them are 'momoirs;' some of the bloggers are dads."
For me, the coolest thing about the whole affair is that Heather often semi-seriously questions her own ability to be a competent parent.

She's suffered post-partum depression, she takes more happy pills and mood stabilizers than I do, she's a former-Mormon and yet she quite amiably deals with her still very-Mormon family, and she's doing it all under the intense scrutiny of the public's eye.

I think she's just basically going through what most first-time parents experience, but with her personal take on things, everything that happens with her family always gets spun into an always amusing, sometimes frustrating, and definitely heart-felt anecdote.

And despite her fears, her family seems to be turning out just fine -- poop, dog, boobs, baby and all.

Congratulations, Dooce, on a job well-done.

(I'm just looking forward to the distant future when her daughter is old enough to be truly mortified that mom posted all about her growing up on the web... "Mom, how could you do that to me?!?! People keep leaving cabbages in my locker! Thanks to you, I'll never ever have a normal social life!")

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