Monday, July 04, 2005

vacation plans

...i gotta do 'em

(Happy Independence Day!)

List of things I need to accomplish during my vacation:
  1. Avoid wearing ass-cleaving thongs for entire duration of vacation.
  2. Go commando where necessary.
  3. Deep clean bathroom.
  4. Sweep, dust, mop, vacuum entire apartment.
  5. Find the teensy stuffed hello kitty that Cricket nabbed less than a month into living here.
  6. Buy new shower curtain and liner.
  7. Swap out winter for summer wardrobe in closet, store in boxes.
  8. Take boxes, television, assorted odds'n'ends to Tifling 'n Willybean's.
  9. Get oil change.
  10. Figure out which bulb is burnt out and replace it, so left turn signal quits flashing double-time.
  11. Wash car.
  12. Put new parking sticker in car window and new plate sticker on license plate.
  13. Refill prescriptions.
  14. Read all unread magazines.
  15. Read The Egyptologist: A Novel & Prague: A Novel, by Arthur Phillips.
  16. Ponder reading dictionary-sized hardcovers of The Baroque Cycle trilogy, by Neal Stephenson.
  17. Return bag to Marshall's.
  18. Weed through faded and/or stained work shirts.
  19. Replace discards with new H&M shirts.
  20. Laundry, laundry, laundry.
  21. Find the missing socks that were in the laundry basket, yet completely disappeared at some point between the apartment and laundry room.
  22. Sort through stacks of paper and file where appropriate, circularly as needed.
  23. Shred backlog of documents in very-full Fed Ex box sitting on top of printer by desk.
  24. Figure out why bank believes I have $40 less than I have accounted for in my carefully balanced and re-balanced checkbook.
  25. Drink enough water to keep ass mouth at bay for entire week.
  26. Spend quality time with loved ones.
  27. See Stuart Davis live at Schuba's.
  28. Buy nin tickets to October 7th show at All-State Arena.
  29. Barbeque.
  30. See War of the Worlds< and The Fantastic 4. Maybe re-see Howl's Moving Castle.
  31. Make eye exam appointment with Dr. Watanabe, and then go to it.
  32. Order new contacts.
  33. Sell more Alterna haircare on eBay.
  34. Lay off the cheesecake, no matter how tasty and delicious it seems. (After finishing off what's left in the fridge first.)
  35. Start doing pilates again to combat burgeoning thass.
  36. Go to continuing education classes for license renewal.
  37. Update the contents of my pda.
  38. Have a happy birthday.
  39. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! (¡Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole!)
  40. (cont...)


Anonymous said...

Do you plan on coming to visit us at any point? <3

pixiemartin said...

Well, let's see...

Last summer, during the four days I spent at the farm, I read two books, watched a lot of television, had horrible mold mildew dust pollen allergies that kept me doped up on benedryl on top of my regular zyrted the entire time I was there, and outside of the afternoon I spent with you and the lunch we had with mom, generally was very very bored. I don't really know anyone there anymore, and the things that used to be exciting about CR, (going shopping at TJ Maxx and having lunch at Olive Garden!) are no longer exciting when you work two blocks in either direction from a TJ Maxx and a Marshall's (sister store). And, we have Olive Garden here.

I'm just staying here where I have many things to do and fewer allergies to have.